Migrating Databases with Liquibase

Updating an application sometimes requires changing the underlying database schema. We will cover how to implement automated database migrations using Liquibase in Spring Boot.

Liquibase - a short Introduction

Liquibase is used in many different Java applications to perform automated database migrations on application startup. This is done by integrating so-called Changelog files in the application’s executable. These Changelogs can contain multiple Changesets which contain the logic for transforming the database schema.

Liquibase transforms these Changesets into SQL queries at runtime, independent of the database type being used.


As Liquibase uses the application’s database connection a Spring managed Datasource is required to run Changesets. This is done by integrating Spring Data into your project.

Integrating Liquibase

Adding the Dependency

Add Liquibase as a dependency in your project’s build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.liquibase:liquibase-core'

There is no need to specify a version of the dependency as Liquibase is a Spring-managed dependency and is kept up-to-date automatically when updating the Spring Boot version of your project.

Configuring the application

Liquibase searches for the file db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml on the application’s classpath for Changelogs by default. As we are going to use XML as our Changelog format we have to add the following line to the application.properties file in our project:


Writing your first Changelog

Create a new file called db.changelog-master.xml under src/main/resources/db/changelog/ in your application. The following Changelog contains one changeset which creates a new Table called RegisteredCustomers:


    <changeSet author="DB-Author-1" id="AddRegisteredCustomersTable">
        <createTable tableName="RegisteredCustomers">
            <column name="id" type="BIGINT" autoIncrement="true">
                <constraints primaryKey="true"/>
            <column name="firstName" type="VARCHAR(64)" />
            <column name="lastName" type="VARCHAR(64)" />
